Association pour la Protection du Patrimoine de
Saint-Maur des Buissons
Saint-Maur des Buissons
Dimanche 11 Octobre 2009 à 17 h 30
Eglise de Saint-Maur
Concert Spirituel
Chants Gregoriens
par le Chœur des AMBROSINIENS de Dijon
Direction : Abbé Robin
1ère partie : Les Grands Abbés de Cluny (Odon, Odilon, Maïeul)
2ème partie : Saint-Maur
3ème Partie : La Vierge Marie
Photo : Eglise de St Maur
Tarif : 10 €
Gratuit pour les moins de 12 ans
Les fonds recueillis serviront à la restauration du patrimoine
2 commentaires:
I just encountered your splendid site. I am an American scholar of the cult of St. Maurus, the first disciple of St. Benedict. According to a ninth century source, Abbot Odo of Glanfeuil (which St. Maurus founded according to tradition)fled with the bones of St. Maur to the lands of Count Ausonius (Eudes, Odo) which appears to be your village of St. Maur at Jura). According to tradition, the cult of St Maur was maintained there for several centuries and contained several relics: part of the skull, two leg bones: tibias and (péronés); also an arm bone given to Solesmes in 1810; at the end of the 17th c the village claimed to have “all or almost all” of the bones of Maurus. Does anyone there now have any knowledge of the history of St. Maur of Glanfeuil's cult in your village?
Thanks for your informations. We have found a book about sanctuaries & pilgimages in our diocese in 1873. There are a few pages concerning the history & pilgrimage at St Maur (Sept 14). If you can read French & are interested we could send you a copy.
Sr Odile
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